What is Liminal?

Have you ever been in between two life-stages and felt lost? Past a threshold but not yet arrived, in the corridor from the old to the new? The kind of feeling you can also get in an unknown airport, an empty parking lot, a windy train station or an empty hall of a hospital? You’re are not alone. ‘Liminality’ causes this feeling. Liminality originates from the Latin word līmen, meaning a threshold. In anthropology, liminality stands for the disorientation that occurs in the middle stage of a ‘rite of passage’. Researching why people go on ultra long wilderness hikes, I …

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Journey of PP

(My friends mostly call me Pepe (PP) in stead of Peter Paul 🙂 When I was young, I loved animals and played in nature whenever I got the chance. Swimming in clear blue lakes and watching the shiny fish made me super happy. But when thousands of dying fish surfaced in the river of my hometown, due to chemical spills, it broke my heart. That’s why I decided to study behavioral psychology, years later. Because I believe: “If humans are the problem, they are also the solution”, For many years, I worked as consultant. But there was something wrong. The …

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What’s in a logo?

Take your time to say goodbye to the old embrace the new

For me, this image shows a metaphor for what nature and stepping outside your routines can do. Besides, the image gives me a pleasant feeling when I look at it. It’s somehow soothing, just as being in nature is. The image also tells me I need to feed the process, to nurture my brain… or is that my alter ego taking a leak? 😉 Just, kidding.(That’s what sprang to my mind when I first saw a small thumbnail of the logo, see below). But it’s true: all things you value, need attention to grow. That’s why I embark on a …

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Why do I hike the Pacific Crest Trail?

In my New Year’s video message, I said the best thing to do is to keep on walking. I am very happy start the full Pacific Crest trail soon. A wilderness path all the way from Mexico to Canada. So I will be sleeping in a little tent for six months! Carrying all I need on my back. Why do want to go on such a super long hike? I feel the need to look at my life & work from a different perspective. To feel what’s important to, to see what I want to focus on. I go alone, …

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